About us

Since 40 years dealing with branded clothing, Sigma Gi is in the top 5 of quality fashion brands warehouses in Italy and abroad. Since 1972 has been distributing the most known and famous brands of clothing and accessories to more than 4.000 outlets, shops and warehouses.

With a 10.000 square meters building, Sigma Gi selects for their customers the best collections from the most prestigious Italian brands working every season with more than one million of men’s and women’s apparel and accessories.

Goods selection is in continuous update and comes from more than 100 brands which choose Sigma Gi as their privileged and qualified channel to distribute overproductions and leftovers. The close relationship with every customer allows Sigma Gi to make a further selection of distributing channels offering exclusive collections.

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Who are our customers?

A qualified network of more than 4.000 stores worldwide: fashion outlets and shops.

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Constant growth

A steady growth trend that sees Sgma Gi as one of the top five quality fashion brands in europe.

Sigma Gi SRL · Via V. Michelassi, 4/6, 50018 (Loc. Viottolone) Scandicci · Firenze, Italy · Tel. +39 055 722311 · Fax +39 055 72231250 · info@sigmagi.it
Cap. Soc. €2.220.000,00 - Reg. imprese di Firenze n. 00588190488 R.E.A n. 240383 c/o C.C.I.A.A. Firenze - Mecc. FI 044474 Cod. Fisc. 00588190488 - P.iva IT00588190488
